News & Events

60 Years of Canadian Innovation - Week 8
August 21, 2024

Here is an innovation that many of us are unaware of, yet benefits us greatly, as we go about our daily lives.

Dr. Lorne Elias' work in the area of explosives detection technology led to the development of the portable Explosives Vapour Detector (EVD-1) in the early...(read more)

Arcon is Looking for Engineers!
August 20, 2024

As Arcon approaches its 60th anniversary of providing benchmark forensic engineering services, we are looking for Mechanical, Electrical and Structural engineers with 3-5 years of experience and a natural sense of curiousity! If you are up for the challenge, please send your...(read more)

60 Years of Canadian Innovation - Week 7
August 14, 2024

I can remember many a rainy day playing this week's innovation with friends and family!

Trivial Pursuit was created in 1979 by Chris Haney and Scott Abbott and brought to market in 1981. In December 1993, it was named to the "Games Hall of Fame". There are...(read more)

60 Years of Canadian Innovation - Week 6
August 09, 2024

As well acquainted with this innovation as I was as a child, I had no idea it was Canadian! For week 6, we bring you...instant mashed potato flakes!

Edward Asselbergs is credited with inventing the process for making instant mashed potato flakes. The product hit the...(read more)

60 Years of Canadian Innovation - Week 5
August 07, 2024

In the late 1960's, the research of the University of Toronto's Professor James Guillet led to one of his most important discoveries: how to create polymers (plastics) that will degrade or breakdown in sunlight. In 1970, he registered three patents for...(read more)

60 Years of Canadian Innovation - Week 4
July 24, 2024

This week's innovation is none other than the Abdominizer! If you watched late-1980's television infomercials, you remember this product. You may even still have one in your basement!! Invented by chiropractor Dennis Colonello in 1984, over 6 million were sold...(read more)


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