Fires & Explosions

fire & explosion, forensic engineering services - Arcon

Arcon’s fire and explosion investigators are qualified to the highest industry standards and regularly attend educational seminars to remain apprised of current methodologies and standards. They have completed thousands of investigations involving residential, industrial & commercial properties, autos, trucks and heavy equipment. Our investigators also perform fire and building code compliance assessments.

Property, Vehicle and Heavy Equipment Fires

The experience of our various investigators and fire investigation engineers includes the complete spectrum of property and vehicle fires, involving the assessment of all varieties of causes and equipment. The technical expertise and the range of engineering specialties enable thorough assessment of a wide range of suspect equipment and technical issues.

Scene Investigation

Investigation of a fire requires attention to detail to thoroughly identify, document, and assess the damaged remains to identify the fire’s area of origin and the potential ignition sources or fire causes located there. We provide the personnel and equipment necessary to manage, preserve, document and assess the fire scene – including large scale fires and explosions.

Equipment Examination

We perform equipment examinations both at the scene and in our laboratory facilities as required. The technical experience and training of our engineers, investigators, and technicians enables knowledgeable inspection of a wide variety of equipment. Our range of expertise includes electrical, mechanical, civil and metallurgical engineers who can address most issues. We inspect the equipment to assess whether it was causally involved in the fire, the means of ignition, the component that failed and the causes of the failure.

Fire Alarm and Security Alarm Performance

Assessing the pre-fire state of the building and its life safety and security systems is essential to determine evidence of a break-in or system activation. Assessment can identify whether the building and systems complied with current Code, the layout and functionality of the life safety systems, reasons for their possible inoperability, and determination of fire origin.

Sprinkler, Fire Suppression and Extinguisher System Assessment

Our investigation will include inspection and assessment of the sprinkler, fire suppression or extinguisher system. Consideration of a system includes determining its condition and whether it operated; whether its arrangement complies with Code requirements; and whether it was appropriately maintained and serviced.

Fire and Installation Codes/Standards

Construction methods can affect how a fire progresses through a building and the resulting damage - including issues such as fire walls, interior finishes, construction materials and fire stops. Our engineers can assess the Fire and Building Code requirements to determine compliance and assess any contribution of such factors.



Civil & Structural Failures Collision Reconstruction Crash Data Retrieval Electrical Malfunctions Environmental Assessments Fires & Explosions Mechanical Failures Metallurgical (Materials) Analysis Personal Injuries Structural Design & Reconstruction

Forensic Experts

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